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How to solve SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) while fetching JSON data in NodeJs

I am new in Backend development, Since last few days I am trying to get a response from the api and show it on my html page and i am constantly getting this err

Controlling an Arduino with Python

I'm creating facial recognition software that needs to activate a motor when a face is detected. Currently, I have the code in the Arduino IDE that controls the

How to stop bookdown tables from floating to bottom of the page in pdf?

I am using bookdown to create pdf reports, but my tables are all floating down to the bottom of the page, regardless of how much space there is. See this exampl

Ruby on Rails scalability/performance? [closed]

I have used PHP for awhile now and have used it well with CodeIgniter, which is a great framework. I am starting on a new personal project and

Pinging from virtual machine to raspberry

I have the following setup: A virtual machine, started with qemu is running on an ubuntu laptop. I also have a raspberry pi 4 booted from a sd card connected ov

Form submit event is caught only if the code inserted consule rather than rendered on the server

jQuery(document).ready(function () { window.mySuccessFunction = function ($form) { alert("hi"); // Breakpoint. } $('.js-form-proccess'

Why does inconsistent hueristic cause expansion of repeated nodes in A*?

I am aware that we need to follow the triangle inequality for consistent heuristic I.e, h(n)< c(n,a,n')+ h(n') My understanding of why it might cause repeate

Converting logback.xml to log4j2.xml configuration

I'm trying to convert my logback.xml configuration into log4j2.xml however I'm having some issues so I was hoping that someone could share tool or some good / d