'How to listen how many bytes written to storage while saving excel file in syncfusion_flutter_xlsio?

I am using syncfusion_flutter_xlsio library for generating excel file and saving it. When my data is so big I have to present progress. How can I perform it?

Workbook workbook = Workbook();
var sheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
      sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 1)
        ..cellStyle.bold = true;
      sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 2)
        ..columnWidth = 20
        ..cellStyle.bold = true;
      sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 3)
        ..columnWidth = 20
        ..cellStyle.bold = true;
      sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 4)
        ..columnWidth = 20
        ..cellStyle.bold = true;
      sheet.getRangeByIndex(1, 5)
        ..columnWidth = 20
        ..cellStyle.bold = true;
      for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
        // I am going to put product properties to excel cell here
      List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

Most heavy point is List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream(); I need to listen to it. But how ?

Solution 1:[1]

Greetings from Syncfusion.

Unfortunately, Flutter XlsIO does not have support for providing the status/progress of Excel document creation. And, we don’t have any plans to implement this feature.

Regards, Ramya.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 ramya sivakumar