Category "yocto"

dev packages not getting included in Yocto SDK

We are generating Yocto SDK using the following command: bitbake -c populate_sdk <image-name> Yocto Branch : Dunfell We don't see header files getting inc

How to configure an I2c Controller in the PS of the Zynq 7000 as a slave from Linux

I am using a zed board with a Zynq 7000 on it. The end goal is to have the I2c-0 controller in the physical PS of the Zynq7000 to act as an I2c slave device. I

Yocto toolchain installation with qscxmlc support

Hej Folks. I try to implement a yocto and QT5 based project for a variscite board with QtSCXML support. I got everything run on QtCreator for my Hostmachine (Ub

nfs mounting problem VFS: Unable to mount root fs via NFS

I am not able to mount nfs, my Parameters are like following, it is from bootlin; setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=

Using populate_sdk to include kernel headers

How do I include the linux kernel headers as part of the SDK package in Yocto? I'm using Yocto 1.8 (fido) in an embedded project and want to do out-of-tree ker

Conflicting revision error when sourcing from multiple git repositories in yocto

I want to fetch from two git repositories in yocto, but I get an "conflicting revisions error. The code I use is like this: SRC_URI_append = " git:///home/proje

adding patch and another git source does not work in yocto

I have tried to add another git sources from another project and a patch like follwoing in bbappend file (fyi in the bb file I have the first git repo where I g

bitbake SRC_URI file://

If I have a tarball, helloworld.tar.gz in a local directory, say /home/user/tarballs/, how can I make my bitbake recipe fetch from that directory? my helloworl

create symbolic link in bitbake recipe

I have a .bbappend recipe that I need to create a symbolic link in my system. This is how it looks like now: bernardo@bernardo-ThinkCentre-Edge72:~/yocto/gene

YOCTO - Build partial image for application

I want to create a small application image. That image installed at a separate partition shall be mounted to /usr/local. I created a recipe like this: inherit i

ERROR: YoctoProject - core-image-sato: do_populate_sdk

I'm a beginner in Yoctoproject. I'm trying to buil the image for Beaglebone Black Board with command-line: bitbake core-image-sato -c populate_sdk. And I had an