Category "yarnpkg"

I installed yarn globally, but got error "zsh:command not found : yarn"

npm install -g yarn > [email protected] preinstall /Users/myname/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/yarn > :; (node ./preinstall.js > /dev/null 2>&1 || tr

Alias yarn to yarnpkg to avoid conflict with Hadoop Yarn

I have Yarn (package manager) already installed on my machine, but I now have to install Apache Hadoop. When I tried doing that with brew install hadoop, I got

What does " yarn build " command do? Are " npm build " and "yarn build" similar commands?

What does yarn build command do ? Are yarn build and npm build the same? If not what's the difference?

Is there a way to "npm init" an ES module?

All modern versions of Node need to run packages as modules is "type": "module" in package.json, but I don't see any flags for npm init or yarn init that will a

Random "Assertion failed" errors on Apple M1 chip

I have just switched from Windows 10 to Mac OS running on the latest Apple M1 Silicon. This is my first project on the Mac, I installed homebrew and used it to

Yarn global install: "adonis: command not found"

Installed Adonis with yarn on Ubuntu 18 (running on WSL2 VM): pomatti@NT-03024:~/Projects/myApp$ yarn global add @adonisjs/cli yarn global v1.19.1 [1/4] Resolv

How to solve network connection when RUN yarn install in docker image build?

I have a peculiar problem occurring only in the Mac environment. When I run the docker build command to build my Node image, it is not able to fetch the package

Is it possible to open a terminal using "open -a Terminal" and then send commands to that new instance, automatically?

I'm currently creating an app for some co-workers to automate our process of starting/stopping our development environments at the push of a button using SwiftU

react-scripts: not found when building docker image in CI, but works locally

I have a Dockerfile to build a React app and copy the build to an Nginx container. FROM node:14-buster-slim AS node-base FROM node-base as deps WORKDIR /app C

getting babel-node to work with yarn v2/3

I have a project with the following structure ./ ├── ├── babel.config.js ├── package.json ├

jhipster is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I've followed here and JHipster Quick Start,but on my Windows 10, I've got "jhipster is not recognized as an internal

How to install a list of many global packages with Yarn

yarn install -h suggests that the -g (global) option is DEPRECATED. How am I supposed to indicate that I want a bunch of packages (from package.json / yarn.lock

Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled

I'm trying to run very simple code, but I'm getting an error, I didn't use the create react app! It looks like my babel.config.js file is being ignored! This is

What is the difference between the command that yarn run [dev] executes and its vanilla node implementation? [closed]

This is my package.json file. As you can see it has a dev command that I can execute with yarn dev I figured that if I copy the command that

How Do I Uninstall Yarn

How can I uninstall yarn? I've used it for a react-native project and now whenever I move the code out of index.ios.js or it throws an error so

How do I upgrade all scoped packages with Yarn?

Is it possible to upgrade all specific scoped packages in the dependencies section of my package.json by using the Yarn package manager? For example: yarn upg

Inherit or share package.json dependencies

We got couple of different projects that are using main dependencies like React and TypeScript packages. Each of those projects(maintained by different dev team

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined raised when starting react app

I'm working on a project in React and ran into a problem that has me stumped. Whenever I run yarn start I get this error: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]

NullInjectorError: No provider for StateObservable when using ng-packagr

I have an Angular 5 project that uses ngrx/store. The project consists of an application and a shared library that the application uses. Up until today, we had

Command `yarn add react-native --exact` failed

I tryed to create new project but this happen , I update the core as they said here How to update core-js to core-js@3 dependency? but also no thing help me I