Category "cypher"

Cypher: get all the relationships of node with a specific relationship

I'm trying to find all the relationships of the nodes which have one specific relationship. People can be connected to events which in turn are connected to chu

Matching edge in Neo4j Cypher is really slow

I have a database with 500K nodes and 700K relationships. I created 500 additional relationships with a new typeDummyEdge with edge_id attributes from "1" to "5

Match One or the other condition

I'm trying to do something like this : Flow must have a relationship with : An Application OR A Partner My Flow must have one of these two relationships. I t

How to get all parent nodes of a particular node based on ID

I want to fetch all 3rd level nodes(4,5,6 and 7 in below pic) and its relationships along with its parent node details In the below example: If I send ID : 7 t


load csv with headers from 'file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/Neo4J' as row Create (:State_Code {state_cd:row.st_cd}) I have tried this code and it is throwing a

Neo4j subgraph of different nodes with different labels and relationship if any

I recently started using neo4j and its query language "cypher" for working with building/metering data. My current graph database consists of different nodes (w

Cypher don't reconnize gds function

i want to use gds.alpha.similarity.jaccard from, but cypher send a error Code: RETUR

Neo4j search for second shortest path

We know that we can get the shortest path between nodes by the following statement MATCH p=allShortestPaths((a)-[*]->(b)) Is there any way to search for t