Category "xslt-2.0"

Group by key in xslt 3.0

I am trying to group by an attribute . Example input: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ns1:map xmlns:ns1="

Merge 'p' element content under the following 'p element' content

It is list content, right now bullet list and item content appearing separately in the output. So I want to merge a <p>, Please look expected output and h

create @colwidth attribute and value in the 'colspec' element

In the @colwidth value are coming same value from tblW/@w:w value, Please help me on this Xml input: <tbl> <tblPr> <tblW w="5000" typ

Need to create @namest and @nameend attributes in the 'entry' element

if we get <gridSpan val="4"/> create the @namest and @nameend attributes in the 'entry' element. NOTE: May be gridSpan element will appear in 3rd entry t