Category "currency"

Get Currency symbol of only one character (e.g $,₹, etc) (Locale doesn't matter) android kotlin

i have currency code (e.g. USD,INR,etc...). I want to get symbols of only one letter of those codes (e.g $,₹, etc). i have tried to find many solutions li

How to display the currency symbol to the right in Angular

I have to display Euro currency like this : 583 €. But with this code: {{ price | currency:'EUR':true }} I get €583, is there any option in Angula

Android Is it possible to get the currency code of the country, where the user and device is?

Is it possible to get the currency code of the country, where the user and device is. i want to set the country code of the present country of the user as defau

Currency Code to locale JS

Humour me here, but I have a trivial task of taking a number input, and format it to a currency code. IE: var value = 1000; value.toLocaleString('en-AU, {

Angular 2 formatting currency BRL format

I'm trying to use pipe to format the price of an item in PT-BR currency format. Here what i'm trying to do: <div class="desc">{{statement.price |