Category "xamarin.forms"

Xamarin: How to delete files using CrossFilePicker Xamarin Forms

I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still

Dynamicly adding StackLayout

So what I wanna do is have a stacklayout, with entries etc. Added when I set it in the code. For example, I have 3 entries, once they are all filled I want a se

Warning: Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065"?

MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065". Check

Android in Xamarin.Forms can't compile after changing target framework

I have a Xamarin.Forms application. I changed the Target Framework version of the Android project from 10.0 (Q) to 12.0 (S). After that, I get error "java.exe"

Xamarin.Forms Android Write in External Storage SOLVED

I am a very beginner with C#, and I definitely need your help. I am trying to create/Open/Write a .txt file in the External Storage, but I can not set the path

ios app stuck in launchscreen when click on inactive push notification in xamarin form ios

I'm working in Xamarin form ios. My issue is when click on push notification received when its inactive/killed,then its stuck in launchscreen. I have implemente

Trying to invoke a backdoor method in xamarin.uitests getting a failure

I have a xamarin.uitest project and an app project, added in main activity in the app project: MainLauncher = true and the method: [Export("MyInvokeMethod")

How to fix 'Gatt write characteristic FAILED.' exception in xamarin forms?

I am trying to do a GATT write operation in a BLE after Notification where I am getting the value from server. The write operation works fine when there is no p

Add tap events to elements inside an SVG using SkiaSharp in Xamarin.Forms

I want to get the particular points inside the svg for xamarin.forms Is there is any ways from which I can achieve? Thanks in advance.

I get the error "Invalid item ID firebaseappcheckinterop-16.0.0-beta01" during build

The question is as the title suggests. The environment is Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio 2019 on Windows. The error is not occurring in another project, and I t

Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part

Xamarin Forms ListViewCell not updating Image

I am trying to get an image to show in my custom ViewCell, however, setting it manually doesn't work. I am first creating a list of my custom view cells and set

Move a SVG icon along a Path in Xamarin.Forms

Is there a best practice on how to animate and move a SVG icon along a path of (x/y) coordinates in Xamarin.Forms? With Xamarin.Forms.Shapes there is the Path c

How To create a folder inside a Album in iOS iPhone Using Xamarin form

Hello Developer I want to create a a directory inside a Album in iOS using Xamarin form ,I need to use this directory to store all my capture images

Biometric login using IdentityServer on iOS/Android app

We have a website(client1) which uses IdentityServer4 for authentication. Now we want our xamarain mobile app(client2) to authenticate with IdentityServer4 usin

Error : Value cannot be null. Parameter name : path 1, when add a new Azure Mobile Apps table Controller

It's the first time I create a back end for my Xamarin.Forms application. I follow instructions on Azure Portal -> Quick-Start, create a data connection, cho

Bug - TextDecoration Strikethrough not working on iOS

I have a label where I want strikethrough and a lineheight of 1.5 This works fine with Android, but strikethrough does not work on iOS when LineHeight is also s

Using SqlConnection in Xamarin.Forms?

Can I use SqlConnection in Xamarin.Forms? I tend to use this in Windows and Web applications developed in Visual Studio, but I don't know how it would work in

DarkMode images in xamarin iOS in visual studio

In android you can create a drawable-night folder and put your dark mode images there. What is the process in iOS? Do I create a folder? I have visual studio 20

Does mvvmcross have a built-in message for viewmodel to tell view when ViewAppearing/Disappearing happen?

I have logic to be executed in a Xamarin.Forms ContentView (not a Page), when it appears and disappears. This is an mvvmcross content view: public partial class