Category "xamarin.forms"

Android Play integrity api samples possibly xamarin

I am looking for way to secure my apps in both Android and iOS. Android Noticed that there is this new api Play Integrity Api I am looking for any example on us

Provisioning profile for Xamarin Forms iOS Extension

Hi all I have created a service extension project in my Xamarin forms solution. I have enabled App Groups in Entitlements.plist in both the extension project an

How to achieve Indeterminate state for checkbox in Xamarin form In Android

I want to achieve CheckBox where it works for three state. In UWP I am able to achieve with custom Renderer with "IsThreeState" and by setting IsChecked propert

How to get selected item in Xamarin

I have a Picker in Xamarin and I want to pass the selected item in Picker to the another page(TablePage). Below this Picker there is a button and whenever it is

Expandable Menu Item in Appshell in Xamarin.Forms

I would like to add expander menu items in the appshell menu as below I could not find any example for it. Is there a way to implement it? i think that, someho

Binding to a static property doesn't update in Xamarin Forms

I am learning to use MVVM in Xamarin Forms. I am stuck with a Binding issue. I have been trying different solutions on the internet for the past few hours. I am

Span Label underline is not working on Xamarin iOS

I'm using a Label with Spans, one of them is a link and I want to add an underline style, I'm using <Span Text="Link url" TextDecorations="Underline" /> b

Xamarin.Forms set Button ImageSource as ffimageloading Svg embedded resource

I would to put a svg embedded image as ImageSource for a Button in Xamarin.Forms, something like this <Button Text="Button" ImageSource="resource://fullname

Behavior OnDetachingFrom not called on close of popup

On close of popup behavior dettach method is not called. while OnDisappering the page if binding context is assigned with null OnDetachingFrom will be called. B

Change colour of date picker in Android with possibility to have custom Splash screen as well

I am working on a project where I would like to have custom splash screen, however I would also like to have dark styled Android dialogs, that are corresponding

How to Run SignalR service as a Server in Xamarin

I have a requirement were I need to run SignalR server in Xamarin app, and consume it in web app. As far as I have seen in examples, Xamarin is used as a client

Xamarin Forms CollectionView: Cannot give SelectedItem Transparent background

I am using a CollectionView and when a user selects an item, I don't want the SelectedItem to show background color at all. I have tried to achieve this effect

Xamarin: How to delete files using CrossFilePicker Xamarin Forms

I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still

Dynamicly adding StackLayout

So what I wanna do is have a stacklayout, with entries etc. Added when I set it in the code. For example, I have 3 entries, once they are all filled I want a se

Warning: Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065"?

MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065". Check

Android in Xamarin.Forms can't compile after changing target framework

I have a Xamarin.Forms application. I changed the Target Framework version of the Android project from 10.0 (Q) to 12.0 (S). After that, I get error "java.exe"

Xamarin.Forms Android Write in External Storage SOLVED

I am a very beginner with C#, and I definitely need your help. I am trying to create/Open/Write a .txt file in the External Storage, but I can not set the path

ios app stuck in launchscreen when click on inactive push notification in xamarin form ios

I'm working in Xamarin form ios. My issue is when click on push notification received when its inactive/killed,then its stuck in launchscreen. I have implemente

Trying to invoke a backdoor method in xamarin.uitests getting a failure

I have a xamarin.uitest project and an app project, added in main activity in the app project: MainLauncher = true and the method: [Export("MyInvokeMethod")

How to fix 'Gatt write characteristic FAILED.' exception in xamarin forms?

I am trying to do a GATT write operation in a BLE after Notification where I am getting the value from server. The write operation works fine when there is no p