I am looking for way to secure my apps in both Android and iOS. Android Noticed that there is this new api Play Integrity Api I am looking for any example on us
Hi all I have created a service extension project in my Xamarin forms solution. I have enabled App Groups in Entitlements.plist in both the extension project an
I want to achieve CheckBox where it works for three state. In UWP I am able to achieve with custom Renderer with "IsThreeState" and by setting IsChecked propert
I have a Picker in Xamarin and I want to pass the selected item in Picker to the another page(TablePage). Below this Picker there is a button and whenever it is
I would like to add expander menu items in the appshell menu as below I could not find any example for it. Is there a way to implement it? i think that, someho
I am learning to use MVVM in Xamarin Forms. I am stuck with a Binding issue. I have been trying different solutions on the internet for the past few hours. I am
I'm using a Label with Spans, one of them is a link and I want to add an underline style, I'm using <Span Text="Link url" TextDecorations="Underline" /> b
I would to put a svg embedded image as ImageSource for a Button in Xamarin.Forms, something like this <Button Text="Button" ImageSource="resource://fullname
On close of popup behavior dettach method is not called. while OnDisappering the page if binding context is assigned with null OnDetachingFrom will be called. B
I am working on a project where I would like to have custom splash screen, however I would also like to have dark styled Android dialogs, that are corresponding
I have a requirement were I need to run SignalR server in Xamarin app, and consume it in web app. As far as I have seen in examples, Xamarin is used as a client
I am using a CollectionView and when a user selects an item, I don't want the SelectedItem to show background color at all. I have tried to achieve this effect
I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still
So what I wanna do is have a stacklayout, with entries etc. Added when I set it in the code. For example, I have 3 entries, once they are all filled I want a se
MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Xamarin.iOS, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=84e04ff9cfb79065". Check
I have a Xamarin.Forms application. I changed the Target Framework version of the Android project from 10.0 (Q) to 12.0 (S). After that, I get error "java.exe"
I am a very beginner with C#, and I definitely need your help. I am trying to create/Open/Write a .txt file in the External Storage, but I can not set the path
I'm working in Xamarin form ios. My issue is when click on push notification received when its inactive/killed,then its stuck in launchscreen. I have implemente
I have a xamarin.uitest project and an app project, added in main activity in the app project: MainLauncher = true and the method: [Export("MyInvokeMethod")
I am trying to do a GATT write operation in a BLE after Notification where I am getting the value from server. The write operation works fine when there is no p