Category "xml-parsing"

Incorrect display of xml file sitemap in browsers(php)

Create sitemap on php language. If don't add element xmlns:xhtml="" in urlset and xhtml:link after , sitemap is displayed correctly.

xmlstarlet is not working if name space is mentioned on the xml [duplicate]

I am running this command, and it works xmlstarlet sel -t -v '/web-app/filter/filter-name/text()' ./sampleWeb.xml Responds with HeaderSecurity

How do I properly convert SVG with custom fonts to PNG with Python and svglib?

I have some SVG designs that I am processing with Python. These designs include custom fonts, which I reference using the at-rule @font-face. The problem seems

Parsing arxml file with python

I have a file I need to parse, I need the information. The order of parsing is important. I can parse the file and get the information, but not in the sequence

XDocument xmlns url attributes persist to child nodes

Based on this SO solution, adding the same namespace to your child node will prevent creating empty xmlns="" attributes. I'm not getting empty attributes, inste

Why must < be escaped in an XML attribute?

I wonder a bit why < must be escaped in an XML attribute, e.g. <foo bar="3 < 4" /> From the surrounding (inside a tag, inside an attribute value) i

How to fix error: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed

I put my code in the XML validation website and it gives me this error: Line 8: 4 The markup in the document following the root element must be well-form

How to parse invalid (bad / not well-formed) XML?

Currently, I'm working on a feature that involves parsing XML that we receive from another product. I decided to run some tests against some actual customer dat

How to strip namespaces from Xml Document

I am having some trouble with removing namespaces from a document in order for a proprietary Parse() function to work properly. I am receiving an XML string tha

Azure Data Factory (ADF) - Parse/Flatten XML file - Get content of all elements match wildcard criteria and sitting in different segments in Hierarchy

I have XML file something like below and need to get all complex elements having different names but all ends with "_KEYS" and they are part of different segmen

Empty ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") in IE 11

I am using ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); to help loadan XML file that I have. I know that IE 11 now support DOMparser, but after reading this stack mover f