Category "jestjs"

Jest: TypeError: replaceAll is not a function

String.prototype.replaceAll() is a useful method and while building and executing everything works fine. However, all Jest-tests fail with the following error:

Can't receive valid test on specific test controller

I'm testing a sign-in controller and therefore I've written the following test: it("return 200 when user signed in successfully", async () => { await req

Jest (unable to set unique href for window.parent.location.href)

I have in my code a check to see if a page is being loaded inside iframe. App.js if (window.location !== window.parent.location) { console.log('App is running

Cannot find memory leak in my Express.js Jest tests

I've now spent some time trying to find memory leaks in my Jest tests, and even though I've successfully tackled some, there's still quite a lot of memory being

How to test NestJs response interceptor

I tried to follow this thread but it I keep getting an error. transform-response.interceptor.ts: import { Injectable, NestInterceptor, ExecutionContext, CallHan

userEvent in React Testing Library Doesn't Cause onClick To Be Called

I'm trying to run a really simple test with react-testing-library where a button is given a mock function, the button is clicked, and the test checks that the f

component props not getting called on test cases

TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of null 251 | useStateSpy.mockImplementation((init) => [init, setState]); 252 | const component = shal

How to strongly type jest mocks

I would like to strongly type my jest mocks. To a certain extent, I can make it work but when a class has private properties I'm stuck. An additional question,

How to mock VueAxios in jest

I want to test my Api functions which are on separate file outside vue component. Inside this methods i call api by Vue.axios, and i can't find the way to mock

Render() Modal test Jest Enzyme

I am not really how to test render() Modal. I am able to set up the props and test Render () " make sure it render with all the props" correctly " without any p

toHaveStyles not working with module.css styles using React testing library with Jest

I have this component for which I am writing test case using react testing library I am facing an issue with styles when the styles is imported from .module.cs

Jest SpyOn choose the correct overload

I do have a class that has 2 overloaded methods. public static create<M extends Model>( this: ModelStatic<M>, values?: M['_creationAttribu

How to test if React component is returning null or its children using React Testing Library?

I have a React component that returns its children to be rendered by React if the prop isTrue is truth-y. If its prop isTrue is false-y, then the component retu

Two empty strings are not equal in Javascript error

Before you dislike, leave a comment telling me why... One of these strings is imported using fs and the other is created through code. I noticed some weird char

How to see stacktrace / cause of an error in Jest?

I'm trying to debug a nodeJS app. I have some code which causes an error, a variable is undefined. When I run the code normally, the error is very clear and eas

Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed

I got the following error by running the test case: Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed. This usually means that there are async

Class constructor NodeEnvironment cannot be invoked without ‘new’

At first I encountered this error: P

Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed using express

I'm using JEST for unit testing my express routes. While running the yarn test all my test case are getting passed, but I'm getting an error Jest did not exi

[TypeError: (0 , react_router_dom_1.useParams) is not a function]

I have a component which uses react-router-dom's useParams hook to get params. It is used in my component as : /// Child.tsx const Child = () => { const

Imports not importing using Jest and Typescript

I am using Jest, Enzyme and Typescript, but for some reason certain imports are not working... they are undefined. For example, I have import ReactMarkdown from