Category "flutter-provider"

How to pass generic provider to child?

I want to create a universal alert that I will use several times in my app. class SelectIconAlertDialogWidget extends StatelessWidget { const SelectIconAlertD

The argument type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, T, Widget)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Widget Function(BuildContext, T, Widget?)

I have a base widget class which no longer works since I upgraded the provider version to 5.0.0. At builder: widget.builder I am getting this error: The argume

flutter dropdownbutton issue with provider statemangement

hello guys as a beginner on flutter i'm having an issue with the dropdownbutton widget as shown on the joined GIF on the backend everything seems to work norma

The method 'of' isn't defined for the type 'ThemeProvider'. in Flutter

I am Beginner to Flutter just following the YouTube tutorial on building User Profile while doing everything is OK but Theme Provider gave me the error I didn't

BeamGuard, Provider, and Three Error Messages. (does not redirect properly, when hot-reload, 3 error messages)

Here's my _routerDelegate: final _routerDelegate = BeamerDelegate( initialPath: '/', locationBuilder: BeamerLocationBuilder( beamLocations: [ Home

How to access Provided (Provider.of()) value inside showModalBottomSheet?

I have a FloatingActionButton inside a widget tree which has a BlocProvider from flutter_bloc. Something like this: BlocProvider( builder: (context) { So

Flutter : Hot reload / Hot restart showing white screen with debug banner?

In my flutter app , when I try to hot reload or hot restart , after process complete , the reloaded screen shows for a second and then went whole white only the