I want to create a universal alert that I will use several times in my app. class SelectIconAlertDialogWidget extends StatelessWidget { const SelectIconAlertD
I have a base widget class which no longer works since I upgraded the provider version to 5.0.0. At builder: widget.builder I am getting this error: The argume
hello guys as a beginner on flutter i'm having an issue with the dropdownbutton widget as shown on the joined GIF on the backend everything seems to work norma
I am Beginner to Flutter just following the YouTube tutorial on building User Profile while doing everything is OK but Theme Provider gave me the error I didn't
Here's my _routerDelegate: final _routerDelegate = BeamerDelegate( initialPath: '/', locationBuilder: BeamerLocationBuilder( beamLocations: [ Home
I have a FloatingActionButton inside a widget tree which has a BlocProvider from flutter_bloc. Something like this: BlocProvider( builder: (context) { So
In my flutter app , when I try to hot reload or hot restart , after process complete , the reloaded screen shows for a second and then went whole white only the