Category "navigation-drawer"

Drawer Navigaiton React Native

ERROR Invariant Violation: Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication). A frequent cause of the error is that the applicati

React Native Drawer Item I want to set icon right side via

Please check screenshot 1 - Screenshot of Code 2 - Screenshot of Sidemenu

how to override drawer navigation?

i'm trying to implement drawer navigation and bottom tab navigation. I used "@react-navigation/drawer": "^6.4.1", "@react-navigation/bottom-tabs": "^6.3.1", fo

Android Programming - Navigation Drawer Multiple Instances of Same Fragment

I am trying to make a weather app where each location that the user adds, it will be shown in the Navigation Drawer. I would like to have multiple items in the

Navigation drawer item highlight color exceeds over the radius of the corners

Navigation drawer item highlight color exceeds over the radius of the corners when I select (long press/ hold down) the item. <...NavigationView in activity

Android Jetpack Navigation - Custom Action with Drawer Item

I am using the new Jetpack Android Navigation in combination with a Drawer Layout. Everything is working as expected when using the same IDs in the Drawer XML i

what should be the size of Drawer Header Image?

public DrawerProfile(Context context) { super(context); HeaderImageView = new ImageView(context); HeaderImageView.setVisibility(VISIBLE

I'm getting a "Error inflating class"

I have looked at other posts to this problem and I can't seem to solve it, so I'm hoping that its just a case that I am missing something obvious. Here is my c

How to hide navigation drawer when opening certain fragment?

I'm pretty new in android development. I want to hide navigation drawer when user is not logged in. So basically, it will shown login fragment (better in full s

Back button in action bar opening and closing NavDrawer

I have a nav drawer set up in my main activity. In one of my fragments I want to hide the hamburger icon and show the back arrow (achieved) ActionBar bar =

onDrawerClosed and onDrawerOpened not being called

I am playing with the DrawerListener , and unfortunately the official documentation is not quite detailed, not to say there aren't any examples given. All I w