Category "xampp"

Upgrade MySQL on Mac

I did an upgrade of my XAMPP from 7.1.24 to 7.4.2. First I uninstall my XAMPP using, then I install my new XAMPP, then i check my phpmyadmin every

PHP my timezone is no setting up in PHP.ini File in xampp

I've xampp installed on my Local PC. But I've a Problem in my Timezone. PHP date shows my Date & Time 02/11/2018 05:26:18. but my PC Time is 02/11/2018 09:2

Non Receipt of the email sent by XAMPP Mercury Server with Gmail SMTP Settings at Local Host

I have setup the php.ini and sendmail.ini with with my gmail ID and password with my xampp folder on local computer. The message is successfully

Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment] for XAMPP and Eclipse IDE

I am using XAMPP server and Eclipse IDE for running a hibernate program. But I am getting the following error: **Apr 21, 2017 12:46:38 PM org.hibernate.Vers

How do I enable error reporting in Laravel?

I'm using Laravel 5.2 and I'm trying to import an excel sheet which contains more than 18000 records. the error below appeared. The localhost page isn’t w

How to change the default xampp php.ini directory

The php.ini file in xampp is located here: C:\Windows for php.ini The phpinfo contains this information: Configuration File (php.ini) Path C:\WINDOWS

Unable to Edit

Running: macOS High Sierra Version 10.13.3, zsh w/ iTerm2 Trying to set up a local environment with xampp, which has worked just fine for me in the past. Howe

Error starting "XAMPP" stack another instance seems to be running at PID 455

Hi so nothing new has happened on my Mac except maybe an update earlier today and now XAMPP won't start. It comes up with the error "another instance seems to b

Error starting "XAMPP" stack another instance seems to be running at PID 455

Hi so nothing new has happened on my Mac except maybe an update earlier today and now XAMPP won't start. It comes up with the error "another instance seems to b

how to install Phalcon on XAMP

I am following document instruction to install Phalcon on XAMP , from here It is said to download x86 version for windows in document but when I go to Download

How to test a php login connected to a mysql db through xampp?

hello this is my first post on stackoverflow i am at beginner level at php, mysql and work on a php log in page connected to a mysql database which i did try to

unable to connect to XAMPP server on localhost

I installed XAMPP server in a local disk E which is not containing the windows OS ,and start Apache and MySQl with out any errors .But when I try connect to my

XAMPP keeps showing Dashboard/Welcome Page instead of the Configuration Page

I've just downloaded and installed XAMPP 5.6.11 and started all the tools from the control panel. I've seen that one of it's new features is that it has a Welco

Access forbidden! Windows 10 PHP XAMPP

Suddenly, i got this error when trying to submit my form. It worked fine until now. Access forbidden! You don't have permission to access the requested

Error: Packets out of order. Got: 1 Expected: 0

All the Solutions I found for this Problem don't work for me. I'm just loading one Dataset and after approximate 150 Request I get this Error: Error: Packets o

Mac Apache web server won't start anymore and can't find any web directories

I'm on Mac Yosemite 10.10.5. Apache web server suddenly no longer starts. I tried changing the port to 8080. Also tried sudo apachectl stop and sudo apachectl s

Can't start MySQL, port 3306 busy

I'm trying to start MySQL from XAMPP (under Windows Vista), but it's saying that's port 3306 is busy. What would be the best way with check what application is

Why wordpress can't write files using php with xampp in localserver

I am using xampp from longtime without have this problem in my localhost. But suddenly all of my Wordpress product can't write file. It give error don't have ac

Mysql Database cannot start in XAMPP for Mac

Mysql Database suddenly cannot be start in my Mac. I already tried to run sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql.server start but it show the error ../Ap

How to configure Apache to listen some different port?

I am facing problem in starting XAMPP. First of all it gives me error messages in RED when i start XAMPP control panel. When i click on START APACHE, it starts