Category "android-pendingintent"

Setting the mutability flag in PendingIntent on Android 12 when prompting phone number

In Android 12, it is required to specify the mutability of the PendingIntent. In the signing screen the HintRequest class is used and PendingIntent is returned

Receive result from Termux through RUN_COMMAND_SERVICE intent

I have developped an android app to send an intent to Termux and have it run a specific task. I have managed to do so, with the following code: public void down

PendingIntent does not send Intent extras

My MainActicity starts RefreshService with a Intent which has a boolean extra called isNextWeek. My RefreshService makes a Notification which starts my MainAc

In flutter app Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that one of FLAG_IMMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent

Please help me to sort out the problem. I give a link to the git. something is wrong with PendingIntent, with packag

Check if AlarmManager exists always returning false

I want to show a daily notification with helping of AlarmManager. It was working properly until I tried to make it persistent after reboot I create the Alarm