Category "wkwebview"

Unable to load the URL in iOS WebView when the button is clicked for the first time

The mobile app is all about showing a SharePoint website in a WebView. I am trying to get the URL of a third party website on click of a button which is a part

Run injected JavaScript script only once WKWebView web page has fully loaded

I want to run a particular script in WKWebView only once the webpage has fully loaded (including images). What I've been doing so far is running the function fu

iOS14, WKWebView cannot open links with _blank target

I have WKWebView that I want to use to browse a certain web site. However some links with target="_blank" are not always opening. From run to run, I get differe

Http and Https calls not working after Cordova upgrade

I built an app by using Cordova and it's in production for more than years. Recently few days back I upgraded my Cordova version from 9.x to 10.x. After upgrade

Save a PDF from a WKWebView

This questions pertains to macOS, not iOS. Note that this question is being reported as a duplicate of this question. The answers on that page pertain either t

WKWebView - Update HTML Tags from SwiftUI TextFields

In my SwiftUI App, i used a WKWebView to update some html tags from native side, using SwiftUI TextFields and a TextEditor. To get the communication working, i

WKWebView open links from certain domain in safari

Within my app I am want to open links from within my domain (e.g.: in WKWebView but then have links from other domains open in Safari.

WkWebKit - javascript on loaded page finds window.webkit is undefined

I'm experimenting with WkWebKit talking back and forth between app and page. I can get javaScript to execute fine using WkWebView evaluateJavascript method, bu

iOS WKWebview load local PDF Files some pages become black

I user wkwebview to load a local pdf file and it works fine. But when I scroll up and down to some pages, some pages become black. Have you also come across thi

Catch and call telephone number in WKWebView

I have a WKWebView that I want to ask to call a number when the number is selected. The contents of the web view contain the HTML anchor tag "tel:" and i am loo

WKWebView not showing Navigation Bar

I have a view in SwiftUI that shows a WKWebView which is passed to the main ContentView using the UIViewControllerRepresentable class, implemented following the

How to return data from WKWebView to JavaScript

I am developing a hybrid Android and iOS app using WebViews. However, I am struggling to return data from iOS app back to my Javascript. Below is how I setup t

iOS WKWebView not showing javascript alert() dialog

I am having some trouble getting a WKWebView in iOS 8 to display an alert dialog that is called from Javascript. After creating a standard WKWebView and loading

Detect button click in WKWebview

In my IOS Application I've created a WKWebview of a website that I'm not owning myself. So inside my: func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: