Category "telegram-api" sends an ERROR when I want to create an API id/hash in API development tools section

I'm trying to get my API id/hash to create some bots for telegram , but in the API developmen tools section , when I enter my bot informations( name , shortname

asyncio not working on Google Cloud Functions

I have this function which works fine locally on my machine with python 3.8, but it throws runtime error on Google Cloud Functions. def telegram_test(request):

How to use mtproto telegram api using curl or postman?

I dont want to use python libraries like telethon to interact with telegram MtProto api, instead I want to hit the api directly with http-request like curl or v

C# WTelegramClient Telegram-API How to programmatically click a button in a message from Telegram-Bot

The program communicates with Telegram-Bot. A text message is sent to the bot. The bot responds to the message. The answer contains 3 buttons. Question: How to