Category "winston"

Unable to inject winston's logger instance with NestJS

I'm using NestJS 7.0.7 and Winston 3.2.1 (with nest-winston 1.3.3). I'm trying to integrate Winston into NestJS, but so far, I'm unable to inject a logger inst

Invalid transport, must be an object with a log method winston mongodb logging

I want to store my error logs in mongoDB collection. I am using winston & winston -mongoDB. Getting the error: throw new Error('Invalid transport, must

Node.js: How to change log level without restarting the server?

In the Node.js application, I use Winston for logging. Right now, the winston.level is set from process.env.LOG_LEVEL variable. How to reset the winston.level

Winston 3.0 colorize whole output on console

I am developing a Node.js application, using babel-cli as an ES6 transpiler and I am using Winston 3.0 as my logging service. Question: I want the whole output

Winston 3.0 colorize whole output on console

I am developing a Node.js application, using babel-cli as an ES6 transpiler and I am using Winston 3.0 as my logging service. Question: I want the whole output