Category "cassandra"

spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra-reactive depends on CVE-2020-13946 native-protocol-1.5.0.jar

Small question regarding a SpringBoot project please. Currently with version 2.6.x, I am developing a very small web application storing data inside Cassandra.

Efficiency of Querying 10 Billion Rows (with High Cardinality) in ScyllaDB

Suppose I have a table with ten billion rows spread across 100 machines. The table has the following structure: PK1 PK2 PK3 V1 V2 Where PK represents a partiti

Not able to run multiple where clause without Cassandra allow filtering

Hi I am new to Cassandra. We are working on IOT project where car sensor data will be stored in cassandra. Here is the example of one table where I am going to

Problem with cassandra-connector at "load()"

I downloaded succesfully this connector: com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:2.5.1 And when I try to load the information with this line: data = s

In Scylla DB, How can I query the records in desc order?

I have a table in ScyllaDB: CREATE TABLE myservice.auditlog ( operatorid text, operationtime bigint, action text, actiontype text, appname t

An Alternative to Counter Columns in ScyllaDB

According to the official documentation, among the restrictions on counter columns in ScyllaDB are: The only other columns in a table with a counter column can

cannot deploy Cassandra using k8ssandra

I am using the following chart to deploy a Cassandra cluster to my gke cluster. However, the s

How to check keyspace and table size in Amazon Keyspaces

We recently migrated from Cassandra to AWS Keyspaces and I am just wondering how to check for table and keyspace total size in AWS keyspaces. Any help or sugges

Spring data cassandra (v3.3.1): how to add codec?

I use spring-data-cassandra:3.3.1 and try to apply TimestampCodec. Documentation says that all codecs should be added through CodecRegistry, but says nothing ab

How/Where can I write time series data? As Parquet format to Hadoop, or HBase, Cassandra?

I have real-time time series sensor data. My primary goal is to keep the raw data. I should do this so that the cost of storage is minimal. My scenario like th

Django with NoSQL database

I am working with an Django application which uses Django 1.8 version. Most of the data we deal with is JSON formatted ones. We are trying to implement any No

Replacing Cassandra Cluster EC2 Instances with AWS Keyspace using Java legacy driver

We are attempting to replace our existing Cassandra EC2 Cluster with AWS Keyspace and we are attempting to keep our old code base. The idea is to simply get out

Why `spring-data-jpa` with `spring-data-cassandra` won't create cassandra tables automatically?

I'm using spring-data-cassandra:3.1.9 and the properties looks like : spring: data: cassandra: keyspace-name: general_log session-name: genera

How to fix org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure Task & com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.partitioner.CassandraPartition

In my project i am using spark-Cassandra-connector to read the from Cassandra table and process it further into JavaRDD but i am facing issue while processing C

How can I change Apache Cassandra's default time zone?

I need to run a Cassandra instance on Windows... Don't ask why... Anyway the issue is that I have time stamp columns that show datetime in PST time zone but I

How do these database management systems practically behave during a network partition?

I am looking into deploying a database management system, replicated across regions (various data centers across a country). I am currently looking into the fol

Is it good practice to have multiple keyspaces in Cassandra?

I've Cassandra configured on Amazon EC2 having 3 nodes(instances) in single cluster. Now what I want to do is give some space on Cassandra to my clients by crea

starting Cassandra AssertionError

When i try to start Cassandra, i received an AssertionError about "durable_wrıtes". I tried to install different Cassandra versions but nothing changed. OS

mismatched input ')' expecting EOF in CQL

created keyspace and using CQL but getting an Error CREATE KEYSPACE demodb WITH strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' ...

How do order by with one primary key cassandra?

I'm trying to use the order by feature of cassandra, but with only one primary key. But when I try to create my table, this is what cassandra returns. CREATE TA