Category "windows-subsystem-for-linux"

WSL and serial port

I am using Win10 and Linux Ubuntu on WSL 2.0. For testing purposes of some programs, I would like to use the serial port of my PC in "loopback" with Linux runni

Could not connect to TCP port: Connection refused when trying to open Expo app on Android Emulator in WSL2

I've been following this guide and so far have gotten to the point where WSL2 can see the emulator(s

How to launch a new WSL bash window from an existing WSL bash window

I am struggling to figure out how to launch a new "command prompt" window via a bash command in WSL. The goal is to launch a second prompt preferably already in

Azure CLI in WSL2 uses Windows home directory

Running this in WSL2 (current folder /home/my-linux-user/): az aks get-credentials --resource-group my-resource-group --name cluster-name Outputs: Merged "clust

How to expose Docker TCP socket on WSL2? (WSL-installed Docker, not Docker Desktop)

I want to connect to Docker TCP socket running in WSL2 via PyCharm. I can't seem to expose the socket, I think possibly because there's limited control of docke

why "systemctl" not working in Ubuntu terminal on Windows?

I need to reload the daemon using systemctl command in ubuntu terminal on window 10. I attached the error I received. The error: bashdos@yana:~$ systemctl Syste

Issue in running docker on WSL2 Ubuntu 18 LTS

I have ubunto 18 LTS wsl2 on my windows 10 machine. have installed the docker - please find below screenshot Now after starting the Docker service, I tried che

Webscraping Symfony/Panther: Can't get HTML

I want to scrape a site with the symfony panther package within a Laravel application. According to the documentation

How to run react native on WSL with android emulator on Windows

I have a react native expo project on WSL2 and I need to run it on an android emulator on Windows, and I am also willing to run the project using yarn start. Ho

How to use WSL as default terminal in WebStorm or any other JetBrains' products?

I am currently using Windows 10 with WSL Ubuntu 18.04 installed. I am trying to use WSL as the default terminal in WebStorm however, I am able to use the bash f

How to open a file in vscode under wsl using the vscode:// url?

I would like to open a file in vscode under WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) using the vscode:// url. You can do it with a normal file in the usual filesystem vsc

WSL-2 DNS is not working with VPN connection on Win 10 [closed]

I have WSL Version 2 running on my Windows 10 Laptop. I'm using the WSL distribution Ubuntu-20.04. When I connect to a VPN network domain name

Installing NPM/Node on Bash on Ubuntu on Windows (WSL). What architecture does Ubuntu/Bash use?

I'm using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows as the command line tool. I need to install Node and NPM, and on the download page for unix I need to choose between 5 dif

how to configure Vscode to debug Python using WSL?

I found the configuration for cpp ( and

WSL, Running linux commands with "wsl --exec <cmd>" or "wsl -- <cmd>"

wsl -h shows the following: --exec, -e <CommandLine> Execute the specified command without using the default Linux shell. -- Pass the remainin

How to solve "bash: vendor/bin/grumphp: Permission denied" in WSL 2?

docker-compose my-app up -d && docker-compose my-app exec app bash, then vendor/bin/grumphp run worked when my project was on Windows filesystem. Then I

Windows Terminal profile not showing up

I've just installed WSL2 and am using the Windows Terminal on Win10 1909 (18363.1256). I'm trying to set up 2 different profiles, one that launches a local WSL2

WSL2 stopped working with error The system cannot find the path specified

WSL2 stopped working suddenly. If I do a new installation of linux distros. Then it throws the following error, when I click launch button for the linux distro

Unable to start Docker in WSL2 using new Windows Terminal

I have recently installed WSL2 and installed Ubuntu from Microsoft Store.When i run docker using Sudo service docker start, i get below message Cannot connec

System.Invalid**: Failed to deploy distro docker-desktop to C:\Users\**\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro: exit code: -1 stdout: Error: 0xffffffff

Windows 11 Build : 22000.527 Image : Screenshot Windows Subsystem for Linux : Checked Hyper-V : Checked System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to deploy distr