Category "vertica"

Vertica data into pySpark throws "Failed to find data source"

I have spark 3.2, vertica 9.2. spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Ukraine").master("local[*]")\ .config("spark.jars", '/home/shivamanand/spark-3.2.1-bin-hado

How to use a df column in a vertica_python SQL query?

I have a dataframe with names that I set to a dictionary, like this: {1: "Bob", 41: "John", 126: "Jim", 167: "Pete"} I am using Vertica. I want to be able to p

How to use a df column in a vertica_python SQL query?

I have a dataframe with names that I set to a dictionary, like this: {1: "Bob", 41: "John", 126: "Jim", 167: "Pete"} I am using Vertica. I want to be able to p

Vertica, describe table

I have a vertica database and I need to describe some tables. In MySQL you use describe table_name. And I know that in vertica it's \d table_name. Also I need t