Category "windows-community-toolkit"

DispatcherHelper in Windows Community Toolkit

I am working on upgrading MVVMLight to Windows Community Toolkit and facing issues with DispatcherHelper. I am unable to find any examples which can show me how

How to replace a registered service with a new one in MVVM?

Trying to migrate from good old MVVM Light to Windows Community Toolkit. How are we supposed to override a registered service, i.e. replace it with another impl

How do I customize the Window Titlebar in a Windows App SDK (WIN UI/Project Reunion) Project?

I'm trying to build an app using the new Widows App SDK. I used the Windows Community Toolkit to create the application. After consulting the documentation, I t

How do I customize the Window Titlebar in a Windows App SDK (WIN UI/Project Reunion) Project?

I'm trying to build an app using the new Widows App SDK. I used the Windows Community Toolkit to create the application. After consulting the documentation, I t