I have just made two schedule in laravel. Register them in kernel like this $schedule->command('jobs:expire')->everyMinute(); $schedule->command('job
I am trying to verify data encryption of EBS volume in AWS. I have encrypted one EBS volume with a KMS key and mounted it on an EC2 instance. I have some files
I'm not able to get the metric data through this command. aws cloudwatch get-metric-data --metric-data-queries jsonfile.json \ --start-time 2019-02-01T10:40
How do I find to which device an EBS Volume is mounted with Python Boto v2.0? boto.ec2.Volume has some interesting properies like attachment_state and volume_s
How do I find to which device an EBS Volume is mounted with Python Boto v2.0? boto.ec2.Volume has some interesting properies like attachment_state and volume_s