Category "windbg"

Is there anyway to debug a windows kernel with secure boot on?

Is there anyway that i can debug a windows kernel that has secure boot on? when i try to turn on debug mode when secure boot on windows says that i need to turn

Unable to verify checksum for avformat-58.dll

The following is a crash dump produced by my video streaming application written in .NET Core 3.1 with Windows Forms 32-bit. I'm trying to workout how to best i

Difference in memory leaks using _crtBreakAlloc compared to UMDH

While trying to diagnose memory leaks with the {,,ucrtbased.dll}_crtBreakAlloc method, I found a memory leak which depends on timing in a multithreaded environm

Finalizer thread got blocked

I'm doing postmortem analysis on a high memory pressure .net application using WinDbg with a process dump and this process is a Windows service. with the follo