Category "npm-install"

Error with node-sass when running npm install

I'm getting the following errors whenever I run npm install on a vue.js project 5769 error code 1 5770 error path /*my path*/node_modules/node-sass 5771 error c

How can I fix "npm ERR! code1"

I was trying to check some opensource projects to learn. I did npm install on terminal to dowload packages but i am getting this error and couldn't understand w

npm ERR! Response timeout while trying to fetch (over 30000ms)

When I want to create a react app I'm encountering the following error: npm ERR! Response timeout while trying to fetch

Version Issue in integrating mobx-react in app

I received this error for my app sample-login-page while running npm update npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm ERR!

Error installing Sharp in docker container

When running an npm install locally everything is fine but as soon as I try it inside my docker container I get the following error: /api/node_modules/sharp/lib

NPM prune after NPM ci

I have an innocent question :is there some interest to do a npm prune after a npm ci ? For me npm ci seems to be sufficient, no ? Thanks by advance

npx create-react-app not working, file already exists

I have uninstalled create-react-app globally as recommended. Then I ran npx create-react-app test and the following error occured Error: EEXIST: file already e

npm install -g truffle install visual studiosVsCode

I'm trying to follow this video and I think I'm doing something wrong, this is what is appearing in my terminal: .

Installing create-react-app gives npm ERR! shasum check failed and npm ERR! Unexpected end of JSON input while parsing near '...mojOzGIEI2rg0m24Yb5Oq'

Errors when i use sudo npm install create-react-app -g npm ERR! Linux 4.13.0-39-generic npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "i" "create-react-app" "-g"

'cross-env' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Guys can you please help me on this I have trouble run npm run dev for my Laravel Mix. I followed links below but still error exist. Do i have a problem on my O

Flood Fill Image in React Native (Paint Bucket Tool, Coloring an Image)

Is there a library or something for react native that can manipulate images? I am searching for something which I can use for a flood fill on image in react nat

Why npm doesn't see quasar?

I installed quasar with a command: npm install -g @quasar/cli Then I tried to create an app folder already with quasar: quasar create callapp The console is

Why npm doesn't see quasar?

I installed quasar with a command: npm install -g @quasar/cli Then I tried to create an app folder already with quasar: quasar create callapp The console is

React / React-DOM package dependency conflict

I've been running into this error message every time I try to run npm update: : npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm E

Trying to run truffle and it says command not found on my mac

I've been trying to start Truffle but when I do $ truffle it says command not found. I've done npm init, npm i truffle and ./node_modules/.bin/truffle init but

How to install node.tar.xz file in linux

I recently downloaded the Nodejs file from the official site and I don't know how to install the Nodejs from a archived file. Please help me how can I install t

sh: 1: node-gyp-build: Permission denied and npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 126

Tried to run this on Ubuntu 18.04 x64. It used to work properly a day ago but it stopped out of nowhere. npm i simple-youtube-api I used to be able to install

sh: 1: node-gyp-build: Permission denied and npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 126

Tried to run this on Ubuntu 18.04 x64. It used to work properly a day ago but it stopped out of nowhere. npm i simple-youtube-api I used to be able to install

How I can skip installing optional dependencies by 'npm ci'?

How I can skip installing optional dependencies from package-lock.json by npm ci?

EBADPLATFORM error when installing any npm package into a fresh Nextjs app

Working with a team on a new project -- we have a fresh Nextjs app stood up in our remote repo which another team member has cloned and is working on locally. S