Category "wicket"

Upgrading Wicket 9.0.0 to 9.3.0: runtime error when try to access database

I am attempting to upgrade from Wicket 9.0.0 to Wicket 9.3.0. When I change the version in a quick-start application, everything is fine. The problem occurs in

Set default value for Radio Choice - Wicket

I want to set my Radio Choice to "Sim" by default, how can I do that? My custom Radio Choice class: package com.sges.web.components; import java.util.ArrayList

How to control web page using parameters separate with slash in wicket

I want to create some wicket web page where I will use slash delimeter. Main page will be: http://some.url/team/ will display list of team (Here I just mou

Make Apache Wicket load jquery for all pages

I've got some javascript going on on my pages in addition to Wickets use. However, Wicket only loads jquery on pages where it sees that it is needed. Is there a