Category "waitress"

"ValueError: Invalid async_mode specified" when bundling a Flask app using cx_Freeze

I am building an API that uses Waitress, Flask, and Flask_SocketIO in Windows. Everything works fine from the command line, but when I try to bundle my API into

Restart the waitress server when machin restarts

I am using the python waitress server to serve back code and IIS to server UI app. Right now the code is present in physical machine. So whenever the machine re

Gracefully stopping Waitress web server

I am spinning up a Waitress web server in a background thread to run functional tests. How it is possible to clean up and quit waitress at the end of test run i

Python Django Web application not able to deploy on Heroku using Waitress server

I have tried to deployed my django application several times on Heroku and then i finally succeeded . It is working fine on localhost ,however, when i use the l