Category "react-admin"

React-admin keep form data after create view submit

In a react-admin Create form, is there a way to keep whatever info the user typed into the form to stay on the screen after the user clicks Save? I want to re-u

Implement BackButton in React-Admin v4

Before version 4, we could create BackButton like this: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Button from '@ma

How can i read data from ReferenceInput in React admin?

When I use the referencinput, it sends a request to the server, is it possible to somehow read what I received from the referencinput server and use these value

How can I do masked input using React Admin?

I'm using <TextField source="phone" /> But I want to format the input to use masked input for phone format.

Custom react-admin drag & drop list

It can't drag. What is wrong with it? I'm using react-sortable-hoc with material-ui to custom react-admin list page with drag & drop sortable. Demo : https:

React.js: How to show base64 image with ImageField of react-admin

How to show base64 image with ImageField of react-admin? I used following code but it is not work: import * as React from "react"; import { List, Datagrid, Text

Rerender a row from Datagrid without refresh the whole list

In a List with DataGrid, in each row I have a button for change status, on button click I show a modal with a form, after submit, in the response I have updated

React Admin: I'd like to route to <Show> view from a list

I'm currently using react admin.I would like to route to my ActivityShow component when I click a row in the Resource list. When I click the row, the app route