Category "vscode-remote"

How do i resolve "Failed to parse remote port from server"

I'm setting up a new remote host and every time i initiate it i get the following error output: Any feedback or direction on how to resolve this issue? Pseu

iTerm2: How can I trigger a local command from a remote session?

iTerm2 shell integration has some neat tricks, such as its it2copy command, which copies into the local clipboard, even if I'm logged into a remote machine via

How to open a file in vscode under wsl using the vscode:// url?

I would like to open a file in vscode under WSL (Windows Subsystem Linux) using the vscode:// url. You can do it with a normal file in the usual filesystem vsc

VSCode Remote SSH Connection Failed

I'm trying to use the Remote-SSH extension to edit files on a Debian server. The SSH connection is established correctly but then I get an error message : Fail

Is there a way to launch Visual Studio Code and force it to open in a Remote Container?

I regularly open Visual Studio Code via code . and then have to click the Re-open in Container button. Am I missing any shortcut to force it to do this from th

Failed to save 'file.ipynb ': Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'logger')

So usually i open my terminal and paste a ssh target link like the one below and then open localhost:1234 on some browser like chrome.I use this server to run h