Category "splash-screen"

Hiding Android Splash screen in Capacitor Ionic/Ionic React

I'm having issues with the Ionic Capacitor Splashscreen. I've tried to use the official documentation which can be found here. However none of the examples in t

Load MainActivity during Splash Screen

I currently have a splashScreenActivity that requires the User the press on a button to go to the MainActivity. Would it be possible to load all the contents o

Flutter Secure Storage not initializing as itended on app start up

I am working on an application with dynamic splash screen images. This is how I have implemented it. class _SplashScreenState extends State<SplashScreen>

iOS PWA splash screen?

In terms of PWA splash screens, do people think the code at and

How can I place a still image before the first frame of a video?

When I encode videos by FFMpeg I would like to put a jpg image before the very first video frame, because when I embed the video on a webpage with "video" html5

How to prevent a splash screen image from stretching

I am creating a game. At the moment, for my splash screen, I use an image. The problem is it stretches. How do I prevent that? android:layout_width="match_p