Category "i2c"

How to configure an I2c Controller in the PS of the Zynq 7000 as a slave from Linux

I am using a zed board with a Zynq 7000 on it. The end goal is to have the I2c-0 controller in the physical PS of the Zynq7000 to act as an I2c slave device. I

Sending string using i2c commuication on two arduino micro-controller

i am using two arduino mcu to connect two lines of LED-matrix display. I tried using i2c communication to connect a master mcu (which controls the first line of

STM32 I2C interrupt method requires a blocking while loop?

I have a Nucleo-F446RE, and I'm trying to get the I2C working with an IMU I have (LSM6DS33). I am using STM32CubeMX and checked out all the example code for my

MPU6050 output yaw pitch and roll with Arduino

I'm trying to read yaw, pitch and roll with MPU6050 and Arduino, but I always get overflow, if I use the function yprx() in the loop without waiting for any inp