Category "vaadin-flow"

Accessing Microsoft Graph API in Vaadin 23 + Spring Security + Azure AD

I'm developing an enterprise Vaadin application and I'd like to know if anyone has figured out how I can obtain the JWT token to make (from backend) a request t

Migrate Vaadin 8 to 14: Widgetset 'xx.MyAppWidgetset' does not contain an implementation for com.vaadin.mpr.MprUIContent

We are migrating from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin Flow 14. In order to migrate piece by piece, MPR is used. We use Flow 14's Route for navigation. For each view we creat

Chrome crashes when try to use spell checker to correct the spelling of words in a Vaadin text field

When I try to use Google Chrome's spell checker to correct the spelling of words in a text field or text area, Chrome crashes and displays the “Aw, Snap!&

vaadin 23 reporting debug mode when built for production

I've built my vaadin 23 app in production mode via: mvn clean package -Pproduction -DskipTests -U My pom.xml contains the necessary profile: <!-- vaadin pro