Category "excel-formula"

How to amend a column based on duplicates in another and leave a unique value in Excel

I have a spreadsheet which has a lot of duplicates I need to cleanse but need to ensure the right data in another column is kept. Data and desired outcome Esse

Returning the most recent entry in Excel

My workbook has two sheets, we will call them Summery and Events. In my Summery sheet, it looks like this Name Last Event Name 1 Event 3 Name 2 Event 15 In m

Find x consecutive numbers in an array

I have an array of non-ordered integers, and I am trying to return a TRUE or FALSE based on if x consecutive numbers can be found within the array Example array

Excel COUNTIF for comma separated values

I have the following range of values: National museum of Natural History Archaeological Museum, Art Museum, Agricultural Museum, Marine Museum National museum o

MATCH function doesn't find equal cells

I'm designing a datasheet that updates itself automatically. All of the macro code is working properly, but I have trouble locating the place where the data sho

What does the 130000 in Excel locale code [$-130000] mean?

Please note that my question is closely linked to this question. However, as the above question is technically already answered in the comments and I am still v

Excel Dynamic Array formula to create a running product of a column

I need to create a running product from a column of numbers (I could use a row, but a column is easier to demonstrate here.) The input might be any arbitrary a

Excel UNIQUE Across Columns

Is it possible for the new function UNIQUE to be used across various columns & have the output spill into a single column? Desired output is UNIQUE values

Excel calculating penalty payment

If all hours worked prior to 12:00pm on a Saturday are paid at normal time (1.0). Hours worked after 12pm on the same shift are paid at penalty (1.5) So if a s

If Cell Contains Specific Text Then Return Value and Sum Row for Scoresheet

I am trying to create a formula that takes a selection of choices from a cell and turns it into a "score", then at the end of the row it adds the score up. I kn

How to find and replace the first occurrence of any single text character (Excel)

I need to replace or substitute the first instance of a single text character in an excel row. current: B01 TEST TEST TEST A W B 0 A expected result where first

Distributing Values Over Time

In this example, I have two columns of data: Date and Quantity. Example: (See Screenshot Link) What I'd like to be able to do, with an excel formula (if possibl

Excel Count if with index match

I'm trying count number of values from another sheet into column O which has same system name as column B and more than Zero. Could you please let me know the b

Excel array countif formula

I want to use COUNTIF function to evaluate how many items out of 2,0,0,5 are greater than 2? In Countif function, first argument is range and second is criteria

Finding MAX value using VLOOKUP with many duplicate "IDs"

Using an Excel formula, I'm trying to pull the MAX value for a NAME that has a certain LETTER next to it. Eg: Highest # for a specific % for each unique Name

How to search multiple names from a range and return multiple records in excel?

I have tried searching on SO, and certainly have not found solution for similar problems, may be I haven't used the right word to search. So, Column A & Col

Camel case converter in an excel

I am trying to convert a field in an excel sheet (e.g. REC_LEN) to camel case. I am using this formula to do that =LEFT(A1) & RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(PROPER(A1),

Pivot table Calculated field - Sumif(s) between two dates?

I'm attempting to calculate periods of out of stock for a fleet of rental equipment that has been in service for the past few years. I'm having trouble creating

Excel: Check if a set of rows is equal to another set

Is there a command in Excel to check if a set of rows is directly equal to another set. For instance I want to check if the values inside rows 1 to 10 is equal

Why does my =MATCH formula give #N/A or the correct answer in the exact same circumstance?

I'm trying to find the column number using a =match formula. In particular I am looking for a result of 42. As you can see, the formula looking in row 16 finds