Category "urllib"

Use URLs from List to save zip file

Trying to use urllib.request to read a list of urls from a shapefile, then download the zips from all those URLs. So far I got my list of a certain number of UR

Download bing image search results using python (custom url)

I want to download bing search images using python code. Example URL: My python co

Getting ('Connection aborted.', OSError(0, 'Error') errors with python requests

I'm trying to write code to login to a website. First I tested using ARC. It works fine. Image So I wrote python code like this: import requests url = 'htt

Getting ('Connection aborted.', OSError(0, 'Error') errors with python requests

I'm trying to write code to login to a website. First I tested using ARC. It works fine. Image So I wrote python code like this: import requests url = 'htt

I get InvalidURL: URL can't contain control characters when I try to send a request using urllib

I am trying to get a JSON response from the link used as a parameter to the urllib request. but it gives me an error that it can't contain control characters. h

counting words inside a webpage

I need to count words that are inside a webpage using python3. Which module should I use? urllib? Here is my Code: def web(): f =("urllib.request.urlopen(

AttributeError when creating ZipFile

Question I get an AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'seek' when attempting to create a zipfile.ZipFile from a file path. I have no idea why, the

page scraping to get prices from google finance

I am trying to get stock prices by scraping google finance pages, I am doing this in python, using urllib package and then using regex to get price data. When

Downloading a picture via urllib and python

So I'm trying to make a Python script that downloads webcomics and puts them in a folder on my desktop. I've found a few similar programs on here that do somet