Category "remix-run"

how to redirect from a utility function in remix run

I am using Remix-run and i want to redirect to my login page from a auth utility function. but it doesnt work. here is a similar function to my authentication u

Redirect route and display message

I am wondering if there is a way to redirect a route or return a Response with a data and fetch it at another page with the loader function. Basically I am tryi - common shared components

I’m just getting started learning and whilst I’ve gone through the tutorials there’s one bit I’m stuck on how I should impleme

How to track pageviews in RemixJS?

I am building a Remix app, and wanted to record some user analytics in my database based on what page the user was viewing. I also wanted to do so on a route by

how to load Svg components in remix run application

I have some Svg files which i want to load as react components in remix run app. for example in create-react-app your could do something like this import { Rea