Category "unreal-engine4"

Unreal Engine 5 Plugin: Missing import: UnrealEditor-SteamVR.dll

I have a plugin that fails to load initially when starting up my project and gives this error: The game module ‘PluginName’ could not be loaded. The

UE4 crash about attachment rules

The problem occurred when I try to change my default pawn's UPROPERTY value has name "MoveSpeed" in during collision function. Otherwise, there is no problem wi

Can I use UnrealEngine with C++ on Mac without Xcode

I am new to Unreal Engine as well as game development. I am using mac (since this laptop is not my personal usage, I have a limitation of using any application

Can you turn a Unreal Project .EXE into .uproject?

I have a .exe file, called Sonic Infinity Engine Plus, that was built in UE4. This was released public without source code download, so I am unable to modify it

How do I get c++ inheritance working in actors when I can only inherit from non-UObjects?

I am currently trying to implement inheritance like I would in any other project but I keep getting an error telling me that I can only inherit from non-UObject

How to delete object using blueprints (not actor)

Ok I've created some class which inherits from UObject. I can created it in level BP (using Construct object node) and store reference in my BP variable. When I

character not rotating with the direction of acceleration even though i turned on Orient Rotation To Movement - in unreal engine 4

bUseControllerRotationPitch = false; bUseControllerRotationYaw = false; bUseControllerRotationRoll = false; //will let the character face the direction of acce

Unreal: How to access image in MediaTexture with C++?

I'm currently using unreal read from video and cameras. I got a Media Player and Media Texture alongside with it. I'm aware that It is possible to read pixels f