Category "uitabbar"

There doesn't appear to be support for UITabBar in SwiftUI. Workarounds?

SwiftUI doesn't appear to support UITabBar. How can I integrate that capability? Merely wrapping the view like one would a (eg) MKMapView, doesn't work because

thin line on top of tab bar not removed in iOS 15

Tried using below code in iOS 15, but the thin line on top of tabbar is not removed but below code works in iOS 13, iOS 14 let appearance = UITabBarAppearance()

how to switch tab programmatically on button click? in swiftui

I have implemented tab bar in my code. I have see all button in my first tab and from that button i want to switch to second tab programmatically. When I use na

What's the height of a UITabBar on iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, and iOS 11?

The height of the UITabBar seems to have changed between iOS 7 and 8/9/10/11. I'm posting this question for others to easily find the answer. So: What's the he

How to definitively set UITabBar background color and tint color

I have been trying to set my UITabBar's tint color and background color for quite some time now and nothing seems to work. So far I have tried: tabBarControll