Category "md5"

Swift - AES base64 + md5 decryption

I'm trying to decrypt a message sent from our server. Both our server and my Android client side uses the encryption code from here:

Automated MD5 and Hex Encoding of Spreadsheet Columns

I am receiving a CSV file, and in that file I need to Hex Encode one column, and MD5 Hash another column. Final Outcome I am looking for is to take an incomin

Hashing a file in Python

I want python to read to the EOF so I can get an appropriate hash, whether it is sha1 or md5. Please help. Here is what I have so far: import hashlib inputFil

How to hash a big file without having to manually process chunks of data?

When we want to get the hash of a big file in Python, with Python's hashlib, we can process chunks of data of size 1024 bytes like this: import hashlib m = has

Compare md5 hashes of two files in python

I want to compare hashes of two files. But no matter if files are different or not, even with different hashes comparison results True Here is the code: imp

Get MD5 checksum of Byte Arrays' conent in C#

I wrote a script in Python which gives me an MD5 checksum for a byte array's content. strz = xor(dataByteArray, key) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(strz) I can t

Comparing MD5 hashes between XLSX files with identical content

We have an internal web application that accepts a file of varying formats from a user in order to import large amounts of data into our systems. One of the mo