Category "uicollectionviewcell"

iOS - Change UICollectionView layout to fill rows instead of columns

Is it possible to change the UICollectionView so that it fills the rows instead of the columns ? Here's an image explaining it : EDIT : It's an horizontal scro

UICollectionView display 3 items per row

I have a UICollectionView created from storyboard, I want to have 3 items per row in the view. I managed to do that using the following: - (CGSize)collect

How to compare a color in swift

I am trying to compare colors but I cannot use the isEqual method because I am trying to compare the color of the background of a UICollectionViewCell. What is

Why UICollectionView didSelect method does not work?

I've created my UICollectionView programmatically and in this case my didSelectItemAtIndexPath method does not call at all. let collectionView = UICollectionVi