Category "radio-button"

How do I align the radiobuttons to left in tkinter?

enter image description here My code shows the radiobuttons unaligned , tap picture to see, and I want to define var(1,2,3,4,5) in some better way. I am very

Is it good to use radio button instead of ImageView for just displaying purpose in android?

I have a design where the image view looks like a radio button but serves no purpose of radio checked/ unchecked. Since it looks like a radio button, is it good

Set default value for Radio Choice - Wicket

I want to set my Radio Choice to "Sim" by default, how can I do that? My custom Radio Choice class: package com.sges.web.components; import java.util.ArrayList

Get the selected radio button in django template

In my template I have for loop. As you can see the id for each radiobutton is represented by {{}} . {{stud.nameAndSurname}} shows the name and the surnam

How do I call the same function with tkinter?

I have a simple tkinter window with two radiobuttons. If I select 'Yes', a new line is added with two other radiobuttons. I try to use the same function every t

How to move the Radio button to under the Title using Altair?

I'm trying to move the Radio button to top under the Title. so far i have done that but unfortunately it's somehow behind the chart and it looks like it's in ba

Give a radio button a hidden text value through selecting an image that is stored with that name in the database PHP/Html

Hello infinitely more knowledgeable stack overflow community. I am trying to accomplish the following: There is this quick form a user fills out and part of tha

How to handle multiple radio buttons - Angular

Here I have list of yes or no questions and provide radio buttons for the user to choose the answer for each individually - also providing two buttons for "All

If I click to the first radio btn the second box first value should highlighted. How is that possible?

I have two boxes, One contains radio btns and in another box I have some values. If I click to the first radio button. First column values should highlight. My

Radio buttons in android studio

I want to have list of radio buttons and after i select one and click next I would like to perform different actions depending on which button was pressed. i am

Get the value of the radio button that was selected before the user selects a new one

If I have 3 radio buttons, is there a way through jQuery of finding out the value of the one that was selected before the user clicks a new one? <div id="r

Java Servlet: How can I retrieve selected radio button values?

I have created a simple servlet in which a user will be presented with 2 questions, answering either true or false. My problem lies in retrieving the answers se

How to know if my radio button is checked? AngularJS

guys I did a code for knowing if my checkbox is checked and works fine: HTML: <div ng-app> <div ng-controller="UserController"> <ta

How to check radiobutton with Enum value in core mvc view?

I have rendered my view like below <div class="row row-margin-zero"> <label class="radio-inline margin-rightt-ten margin-leftt-five margin-top-none

Only last radio button control in list being set as checked

I have a list with each element of the list containing a star rating control which allows the user to set their preference for that element. The rating control