Category "traefik"

Is there a way to import a company root CA in traefik?

I have a docker swarm with traefik running in it and I want to be able to serve Grafana in https which is currently in http. I've tried with the following trae

Traefik V2 docker provider path /ws routing to external websocket server

Stack: serverX docker traefik redirect :80->:443* -> x-site docker container wss:// proxy -> ws://external.

Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together

I want Ingress to redirect a specific subdomain to one backend and all others to other backend. Basically, I want to define a rule something like the following:

How to configure traefik kubernetes ingress to restrict specific API paths?

I have a microservice which is deployed to Kubernetes and has following REST APIs: /abc /abc/xyz /abc/{path-param}/def The traefik ingress is currently configur

Share session data between Flask apps in separate Docker containers that are served using a reverse proxy

I have a Docker app running on localhost. There are multiple flask apps each in its own container. One is on the root (localhost) and the others are on subdomai

Kubernetes basic authentication with Traefik

I am trying to configure Basic Authentication on a Nginx example with Traefik as Ingress controller. I just create the secret "mypasswd" on the Kubernetes secr

Traefik on Kubernetes (GCE/GKE) behind GCE Load Balancer

I've implemented Traefik on Kubernetes following the User Guide. That gives me an ingress-controller and I was able to create an ingress and the traefik-ingress

Docker Swarm sticky sessions with traefik

I am trying to set on my Raspberry Pi cluster (4 nodes) 3 WordPress replicas and 1 database. That works, but when I'm trying to enter in WordPress every time I

Traefik v2.6 multiple certresolvers

I am running Traefik and first I configured to use cloudflare as my certresolver for But I have hosted on Route 53. This is what I have

Configuring traefik for basic http so that dashboard uses port 80 -- get page 404 not found

My VPS is a ubuntu 22.04 LTS headless I am doing this at /home/ubuntu so I have a ubuntu user that's a sudoer. Already installed docker and running Docker versi

What does it mean when Traefik claims to be "natively compliant"?

I was going through the traefik docs and I saw: Traefik is natively compliant with every major cluster technology, such as Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm, AW

Traefik V2 get wildcard certificate

I have basic setup running after following this tutorial But struggling to get wildcard certificate for domain from Let's Encrypt. traefik configuration :

traefik.go: command traefik error: failed to eval New: undefined: xxx

I am trying to build a Traefik plugin and test it in local mode based on Right now this plugin does nothing and

traefik.go: command traefik error: failed to eval New: undefined: xxx

I am trying to build a Traefik plugin and test it in local mode based on Right now this plugin does nothing and

Traefik Acme "MissingEndpoint" 'Endpoint' configuration is required for this service

I've been using Traefik for a while now to get and renew an ACME wildcard certificate. It uses AWS Route 53 for a DNS Challenge. The cert recently expired, havi

How to proxy WebSockets in Traefik?

I'm trying to set up Upsource to work behind Traefik: traefik is listening to port 8008 and 84

Traefic docker container reverse-proxy redirect fails to ports provided by other containers: Gateway timeout

Setup: I have a variety of native applications and docker applications on a nas device. (simplistic example). host : 8080 (console) : 81 (apache) : <port>

Traefik Docker with wildcard domain

I'm trying to setup my Traefik Docker with Let's Encrypt SSL: Here is my traefik.toml defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.da

How to allow a slow-response in Traefik 2+?

I need to tell Treaefik to wait for a slow response from a server. I'm a little puzzled as the evidence I have is that there's a limit of 60 seconds that doesn'

Traefik (v2.2) Ingress on Kubernetes: HTTP and HTTPS cannot co-exist

I am using Traefik (v2.2) on Kubernetes, using a wildcard domain certificate for HTTPS access. The following are my Traefik deployment and Ingress configuration