Category "rdf"

SPARQL: Variable must be included in group by clause

For every sosa:FeatureOfInterest (room), get the lowest temperature per day from the associated sensors for that room. There are 100 rooms. Each room has 3 sens

HTTPS connection with RDFLib

I am using Python and the RDFLib library and I want to perform an HTTPS connection to a SPARQL endpoint such as Amazon Nepute (HTTPS is mandatory) and perform a

How to use rdflib to represent Geometrical points in RDF data?

I am using rdflib to convert text files into n3 files for the purpose of saving bus station locations (GTFS).For example if we had latitude=8.0, longitude=5.0,

What tool does W3C use to render RDF files and documentation web pages?

The WCAT W3C page is based in part on the RDF serialization of the DCAT RDF What is the too