Category "thymeleaf"

Check user role in Thymeleaf using Webflux security

I have a Spring Security 5 Reactive Applications using the "@EnableWebFluxSecurity" annotation.For my frontend I am using Thymeleaf.Now I have the problem that

Spring Boot Exception evaluating SpringEL expression

ERROR 4904 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine : [THYMELEAF][http-nio-8080-exec-1] Exception processing template "index": An error happene

validate input in Thymeleaf

I have this input: Masa: <input type="number" class="form-control form-text" name="masa"/> <div class="text col-sm-12 error" th:if="${wzrost}"

How to use Thymeleaf to make only a simple Java app (without Spring)

I'm following the official Thymeleaf tutorial on its website and I'm currently on the section Executing the template engine. From what I understood, I should al

Spring MVC + thymeleaf: How to allow empty input?

How can I allow empty input to field with type long in Spring MVC + thymeleaf? I want this field to take default value. Currently I have the error: Field

Live reload for thymeleaf template

When I change a thymeleaf .html file residing inside /templates , I expect the browser to automatically reload the page. I have the live reload plugin installed

Create dropdown dynamically on select

I have a Many-to-Many-Relationship between FishingDay and Fisherman. Here is my Entity-Class FishingDay: @Entity @Table(name = "FISHING_DAY") public class Fishi

Thymeleaf is trying to build a html which does not exist and which is not called anywhere

I am trying to build a spring mvc app with spring boot and thymeleaf. I am trying to create a form to insert an object into my data base (something which I alre

Dynamic dropdowns using thymeleaf, spring boot

I have 3 dropdowns(one is populate with cities, one with agencies and one with services). If I select one city, the second dropdown should load the data(agencie

How to use math.max in thymeleaf to find maximum number?

While trying to use max function in thymeleaf I got OGNL expressionn everytime. I'm not even sure if we can use functions like max/min in thymeleaf. Tried to lo

Getting a 400 bad request response when submitting a form in Thymeleaf to my spring boot application

I am creating a Spring boot application with a thymeleaf front-end. I am trying to create an object of type "expense" (seen in the code snippet below) but, when

Send an image in the mail using thymeleaf

In my application I would want to send emails using javamail. I use Thymeleaf so that I can send some data. When sending the email, I want the background to be

Removing just one Row in table - SpringBoot & Java & Thymeleaf

New to Spring-boot and Java and Thymeleaf...Trying to make it so the trash button deletes only one row in this table. Right now it if any trash button is clicke

Nested loop in Thymeleaf

I'm a newbie to Thymeleaf. I have two objects- Classroom & Student: each Classroom contains a List<Student> and I can have a list of classrooms: List

Thyme leaf dropdown list without preselecting

I have several drop down lists in my Thymeleaf pages that look such as: <select name="institution.serviceDept" th:field="*{serviceDept}"> <opti

This application has no explicit mapping for /error bad request 400

I have a small spring boot project,, which works fine . But, I tried to add some kind of validation.. I worked on one html page but failed on the other with no

Showing a loader while waiting for server-side code with AJAX [duplicate]

My problem was described in Showing a loader while waiting for server-side code (without a blank page). To summarize briefly, I want to show t

Showing a loader while waiting for server-side code (without a blank page)

I've tried to make a loader for every page but failed. I want to show the loader before completing server-side jobs: [Loader] -> [Target page]. However, HTML

Is there a simple way of using the th:data* and th:each attributes together in Thymeleaf?

My intention is to obtain an object inside one of the rows of the table, so I could forward it to a form using a simple JavaScript function. I am not familiar w

Spring-mvc + Spring-Security + Thymeleaf - Error Resolving Template

I'm following a simple online tutorial for building a Spring + Spring Security + Thymeleaf + Maven project and I'm getting the following error: [ERROR] [tomcat