Category "multiprocessing"

Split list automatically for multiprocessing

I am learning multiprocessing in Python, and thinking of a problem. I want that for a shared list(nums = mp.Manager().list), is there any way that it automatica

Python 3.X Multiprocessing Boost Python Failed

I'm trying to use multiprocessing to map a Boost-wrapped function over multiple cores. This works fine in python 2.7, but is failing in python 3.8. I know the o

Multiprocessing, missing 1 required positional argument: 'response'

I don't have really understood what happened. I was executing this code, a moment ago it works and then it returns an error. EDITED The code takes from euronext

Multi-Threaded Python scraper does not execute functions

I am writing a multi-threaded python scraper. I am facing an issue where my script quits after running for 0.39 seconds without any error. It seem that the pars

joblib: Worker stopped caused by timeout or memory leak

I am only using the basic joblib functionality: Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(function)(arg) for arg in arglist) I am frequently getting the warning: UserWarn

How to store the variables output inside a function during concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures

I am currently trying to store the output obtained in a function during multiprocessing by using concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor from concurrent.futures

multiprocessing.Queue fails intermittently. Bug in Python?

Python's multiprocessing.Queuefails intermittently, and I don't know why. Is this a bug in Python or my script? Minimal failing script import multiprocessing

How to wait in bash script to subprocess, if one of them failed so stop everyone

How to wait in bash script to subprocess and if one of them return exit code 1 so I want to stop all subprocess. This is what I tried to do. But there are a som

how to read from h5py in multiprocessing without errors

I have code like: def get_df(path, key): with h5py.File(path) as hdf: df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(hdf[key])) return df def f(key): df = get_

Run simultaneous process inside python class

I'm developping a game using pygame and I want to create a loading screen while the assets are loaded. The loading screen have animations, so loading screen and

A case for multiprocessing?

Say I have a function that gives me a lot of data coming from a device when called. I want to accumulate this data in a memory buffer. When the buffer reaches a

Is there a way to take advantage of multiple CPU cores with asyncio?

I've created a simple HTTP Server with python and asyncio. But, I have read that asyncio-based servers can only take advantage of one CPU core. I am trying to f

Is there any way to increase the size during memory sharing between process in PyTorch

My current code is like this: import torch import torch.multiprocessing as mp t = torch.zeros([10,10]) t.share_memory_() processes = [] for i in range(3):

Occasional deadlock in multiprocessing.Pool

I have N independent tasks that are executed in a multiprocessing.Pool of size os.cpu_count() (8 in my case), with maxtasksperchild=1 (i.e. a fresh worker proce

Python 3.6+: Nested multiprocessing managers cause FileNotFoundError

So I'm trying to use multiprocessing Manager on a dict of dicts, this was my initial try: from multiprocessing import Process, Manager def task(stat): tes

pytorch DataLoader extremely slow first epoch

When I create a PyTorch DataLoader and start iterating -- I get an extremely slow first epoch (x10--x30 slower then all next epochs). Moreover, this problem occ

How to dynamically change self variables, parameters, args... in multiprocessing?

I don't know much of Python yet, but I'm trying to create an app that controls multiple streams of sound simultaneously (It has to do with binaural beats, noise

Real time plotting of serial data with python and tkinter

I have been working for some time to find a way to graph incoming data from an arduino with a Python GUI. I was able to accomplish this using the Matplotlib ani

Why does python multiprocessing script slow down after a while?

I read an old question Why does this python multiprocessing script slow down after a while? and many others before posting this one. They do not answer the prob

Multiprocessing OpenCV in Python

I have a simple Algorithm, I want to run it fast in parallel. The algo is. while stream: img = read_image() pre_process_img = pre_process(img) text