Category "three.js"

Is it possible to rotate a cube environment map 180 degrees around Y axis?

I'd like to rotate a cube map about Y axis by 180 degrees. scene = new THREE.Scene(); scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader()

Trouble setting dynamic room name in network a-frame

I'm having two a-texts both directs to same html <a-text navigate="url: http://../room.html" color="green" position="0 2 0" value="Room 1"></a-text>

A-frame consitatnly animate gltf to go to position of camera A-frame

I am creating a vr scene using A-frame ( and I am wondering how can I animate a gltf model to always follow the camera. For example, I would l

Load GLB model with Webpack - Three.js

I'm trying to use Webpack for the first time and I have trouble to add my glb model. My model is ok, used many times and I put in public folder. I dont' underst

WebGL2: what is up with max elements indices/vertices?

I'm developing a web component using WebGL2 (and three.js) with OES_element_index_uint enabled. I'm drawing a geometry using indexed vertices and I'm seeing th

CSS2renderer is not working with webgl renderer

when we add css2renderer on time like label then my screen stuck seems like orbit control is not working .I’m using transform control in my project and it

Check if rotation of model has changed?

How would you check if the rotation of a model has changed? tried: var oldRotate = this._target.quaternion; console.log('works returns vector3 quaternion: ',

THREE.JS OBJLoader giving 'Unexpected line' while loading images

I can't load images (JPG, PNG, or BMP) with OBJLoader. Here's some of the code: function init() { ... loader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); loadOBJ(); } functi

how do I get the position of a certain point from BoxGeometry?

There is a regular BoxGeometry whose dimensions are set relative to a group of objects. How to get the position of a certain point in this BoxGeometry (x:1, y:1

how do I get the position of a certain point from BoxGeometry?

There is a regular BoxGeometry whose dimensions are set relative to a group of objects. How to get the position of a certain point in this BoxGeometry (x:1, y:1

THREE.WebGLRenderer.render: camera is not an instance of THREE.Camera. error

My code is below: This gives me the following error: I cannot resolve this error can anyone help me out? Does it mean that perspectivecamera is no longer an i

How can I pass the mouse positions from JS to shader through a uniform?

I want to pass the mouse position to shader through uniform so that the color changes interactively when the mouse is moved. Please see the comments with "ύ

Three.js Texture loading

I am starting during this days with Three.js and it's very cool. Now i would like to load a texture and apply it to a simple sphere. My problem is that when i o

From Blender to THREEJS, export with GLTF a mesh with UV texture & material color: material color lost

In my game, i use mesh (skeleton, animations and materials without texture) made with Blender (2.79b) ,then exported in glb format (gltf binary v2). In THREEJS

Playing same animation action on loop without reseting position

I am trying to run a walking animation on a gltf model from animationClip. The goal is to play the walking animation whenever the up arrow key is pressed and ke

Multiple UVs/textures for single mesh in THREE.js

I have an OBJ that uses four textures. The UVs defined in the file range from (0, 0) to (2, 2), such that (0.5, 0.5) refers to a coordinate in the first textur

How to load .gltf in a Blazor application

I am trying to load .gltf model using three.js into my Blazor application. However the server does not serve this type of files. I am aware that MIME type m

Three.js Collada - What's the proper way to dispose() and release memory (garbage collection)?

I've successfully imported a .dae scene via ColladaLoader. The problem is, I need to switch between several .dae files. I can't seem to implement the dispose

Add many 3d objects on mapbox map using three.js

I want to add about 20.000 plane geometries on mapbox map. Docs have example with only one object(even camera configured for one object). My purpose - isometric

photosphere viewer - display marker lat-long from GPS lat-long

am unable to display GPS locations (WGS84 lat-long in decimal degrees) on photosphere viewer as a marker. These locations are signboards on the road collected