Category "terraform"

terraform azurerm - cannot destroy public ip

New to terraform so i'm hoping this is an easy issue. I'm creating some resources in azure and deploying a simple flask application to AKS. Creating works fine

How to delete the AMI and snapshot simultaneously during terraform destroy?

In my case, AWS AMI was created by packer and deleting the image via terraform (0.11.6 version) using terraform import and terraform destroy. Once after importi

Shall I use d.Set() for a computer attribute?

I'm adding a new resource to Terraform Provider using Terraform SDKv2 (can't use the new Terraform Plugin). One of new resource's attributes is the following: "

Why can I not connect to an RDS Aurora DB via proxy?

I setup a Postgresql Aurora DB and a Proxy via Terraform (code below), which is apparently running fine. But for some reason I can not connect to the DB through

Terraform Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: 2 errors occurred:

I tried terraform versions v0.12.26 and v0.13.3. Both failed. terraform plan Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments... Error: Error locking state: Er

Can we convert exisiting aws single AZ Fsx to multi-az fsx

I have a single AZ aws windows Fsx created with 3 months of data. it was created using terraform. Can I convert the existing single-az to multi-az without any d

Can we convert exisiting aws single AZ Fsx to multi-az fsx

I have a single AZ aws windows Fsx created with 3 months of data. it was created using terraform. Can I convert the existing single-az to multi-az without any d

How to fix kubernetes_config_map resource error on a newly provisioned EKS cluster via terraform?

I'm using Terraform to provision an EKS cluster (mostly following the example here). At the end of the tutorial, there's a method of outputting the configmap th

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

How to hook up Terraform to create Cloud Build Triggers that pull from a private bitbucket Repo In the GCP

I am setting up a terraform plan in order to create a cloud build trigger in the google cloud provider. However the steps outlined in the terraform documentatio

Azure devops Variables and Terraform

I am trying to create a azure key vault with the help of terraform where i want to save my DB password in my azure devops pipeline because obviously I cannot ha

Global resources when using workspaces

With Workspaces, you can use the same config for multiple environments, say, dev and prod. However, you only need to create certain resources once e.g DNS. I wi

Monitoring GCP Projects with Terraform

I have a "Monitor" project in Google Cloud and want it to monitor the metrics of several other projects. On the Cloud Console, I can easily add these projects t

The Terraform CLI get a Error: ID was missing the `slots` element

I am executing terraform.exe apply on windows and receive the error: azurerm_subnet.subnet: Refreshing state... [id=<...>] azurerm_app_service_plan.servic

Create multiple rules in AWS security Group

I tried to create an AWS security group with multiple inbound rules, Normally we need to multiple ingresses in the sg for multiple inbound rules. Instead of cre

How AWS Credentials works at GitHub Actions With MFA

Not able to create s3 bucket from terraform code to create s3 bucket. I have code uses: hashicorp/terraform-github-actions/[email protected] env: TF_AC

How to print terraform variable values?

I am learning terraform. I want to print values of variables in "plan" stage. So I found how to do it. seems I am doing something wrong here.... in

Linking a series of GCP disks to corresponding instances dynamically in terraform

I need to dynamically create a variable number of riak instances, each with an attached disk across multiple zones in GCP using terraform. Each attached disk mu

is it possible to read values from a tfvars file in Jenkins?

I have some terraform code that uses a map of tfvars to deploy multiple lambdas to Aws. it all works fine except I want to run the script in a Jenkins pipeline

Terraform enable VM Insights

Did someone managed to enable via terraforms Insights for a VM? i'm able to create a VM, enable logging, but not enable insights.. i've seen this question: but