Category "tensorflow"

Transfer learning using tensorflow object detection api

I'm trying to train the model using pretrained faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco. I'm using the following config file: model { faster_rcnn { num_classes: 37

Implementing Multiclass Dice Loss Function

I am doing multi class segmentation using UNet. My input to the model is HxWxC and my output is, outputs = layers.Conv2D(n_classes, (1, 1), activation='sigmoid'

'module' object is not callable sgd

Here is my code. from keras.optimizers import gradient_descent_v2 as SGD sgd=SGD(lr=0.01,momentum=0.9,decay=(0.01/25),nesterov=False) I get the following er

fit keras.model from generator_function

TF 2.x - just for the experience I tried with a simple experimental dataset - to show the problem: import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import keras from

TensorFlow optimisation during running model speed up Predict

I want to disable a computation of several filters during Predict call with Tensorflow 2 and Keras. Do i have to modify the source code of Tensorflow to achieve

Which TensorFlow version is compatible with NumPy version==1.18?

I need to use the librosa and tensorflow packages for a Neural Network audio classification project. librosa has a dependency on the numba package, which requir

What are these 2 files in the CenterNet MobileNetV2 from the Tensorflow OD model zoo?, Do we need them?

Do we need these files?, The Tensorflow Doc don't say anything about them

tensorflow: Fail to find dnn implementation

I'm trying to run my code Keras CuDNNGRU on tensorflow using gpu but it always get error "Fail to find dnn implementation" even though I already installed CUDA

Temporal Fusion Transformer in savedModel format

I am trying to save the model from here in SavedModel format (preferably with Functional API). The so

How to acquire's shape?

I know dataset has output_shapes, but it shows like below: data_set: DatasetV1Adapter shapes: {item_id_hist: (?, ?), tags: (?, ?), client_platform: (?,), en

how to get string value out of tf.tensor which dtype is string

I want to use function to feed my datasets. But because the file is not image, I need to load it manually. The problem is

Moving averaging of Loss during Training in Keras

I am using Keras with TensorFlow to implement a deep neural network. When I plot the loss and number of iterations, there is a significant jump in loss after ea

Unable to run anipose due to ImportError: cannot import name 'keras_export' from 'tensorflow.python.util.tf_export'

I've been attempting to install and run anipose in Ubuntu 18.04 I keep getting the same import error though I've made sure keras is installed. I've also searche

Missing val_acc after fitting sequential model

I am missing information about the 'val_acc' attribute when I fit a compiled sequential model. I have a sequential model that is compiled with 'accuracy' metr

Projective transformations no longer available in TensorFlow 2.0 what can I do?

My team are switching to TensorFlow 2.0. I'm working on a data augmentation pipeline. TensorFlow 1.X had tf.contrib.image.transform that allows for projective t

How to skip problematic hyperparameter combinations when tuning models using Keras Tuner?

When using Keras Tuner, there doesn't seem to be a way to allow the skipping of a problematic combination of hyperparams. For example, the number of filters in

How to define a specific keras layer weight as non-trainable?

Let's suppose we have a neural nets with three layers : Inputs > Hidden > Outputs and consider that the weigths between the Hidden and Outputs layers are

What's code snippet of tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood in latest tensorflow version 2.8

The below functions existed in Tensorflow 1.5 which is currently deprecated. What's the corresponding code for the function: tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(

Training Yolov5 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU I'm getting error "RuntimeError: Unable to find a valid cuDNN algorithm to run convolution"

Training Yolov5 with --img 8088 and batch size 16 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU using the following command python --img 1088 --batch 16 --epochs 3 --data coco12

Difference between 'multi output' vs 'raw' in keras 'flow_from_dataframe'

I'm not sure about when to use raw vs multi output in the keras flow_from_dataframe class_mode parameter, as by the looks of it, they both provide a way to clas