Category "swing"

How to combine rectangles?

I am working with the Java Swing library. I have two rectangles of the same width and height and the same coordinates. I want to combine them into one so I can

Why are none of the titles showing in JTable?

I added some rows to a DefaultTableModel, but none of them was shown. My question is - what is the problem? It seems to me like Intellij idea just playing a jo

Colored Emojis in Java Swing Labels

I was wondering how to dispaly colored emojis in swing. I have a feeling that the Swing (awt) font engine is unable to do this. I've tried using the windows emo

Drawing multiple objects in Java [duplicate]

I would like to draw multiple objects like ovals, rectangles and lines together. But somehow I can draw only an object. When I try to draw ano

Eclipse windowbuilder not showing the full frame

I'm trying to use Eclipse windowbuilder, but when I go to the design page the frame gets cut. Below is an image of what I am seeing. This is just a simple JFra

How to get file's icon and type description in Ubuntu?

With Java 11 on Windows, I can get info about my files using: import javax.swing.filechooser.FileSystemView var type = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getSy

Can't close JFrame, from click inside JPanel

I have the following situation: I have a JFrame(GridBagLayout) with 3 JPanels in it (headerPanel, bodyPanel, footerPanel); On the bodyPanel I have a login butto

How to fix scaling of a java-based application on a high dpi display in linux?

I just switched to java 11 (AdaptOpenJDK) so that my java Swing application looks ok on high dpi displays at different system scaling settings. It works ok on

How do I use the same variable between buttons?

I've created a rock paper scissors game in java, but I don't know how I could use the same variable to work between 3 different buttons (rock, paper scissors).

Issue on label and panel's transparency

Here there is my frame: As you can see, there are some components (JLabel, JPanel, JTable, JScrollPane) on which I called the metod setBackgroundColor(new Colo

Make JTable cells in specific column scrollable

I'm creating GUI in java using swing. I use JTable that looks like this. I need to make cells of last column("Popis") to be scrollable as there will be descript

Why does my for loop to disable buttons not work, but the same loop works for setting colors in JFrame?

I am programming a TicTacToe game and I want to use a for loop with my JButton components inside them like this: private void clearField(){ for (int i = 0;

JInternalFrame Issue

I could not use JInternalFrameForm in Netbeans. I did right click on my package and go new but I did not see JInternalFrameForm option.

Converting from Swing to JavaFX? (Migration Guide)

When converting a Swing project to a JavaFx project, which classes from JavaFx match up to the Swing classes? A 1-1 matchup is best. I am not looking for inte

Debugging java swing application in eclipse

I have a large application made in java swing. Its a children drawing app. I need to put some restrictions, for example, if they draw a rectangle, then they can

Adding Material effects to java swing

I am trying to make a Java Swing application using NetBeans 8, and I was wondering if there is any possible way I could apply materialize effects to my Java Swi

Java Swing - Maskformatter digits from Right to Left

I would like to enter in a JFormattedTextfield with a Maskformatter digits for inserting time units (min:sec with mask ##:##) from Right to the Left. I used Set

How to update chart after selecting item from JComboBox?

I'm trying to change the values of bar chart depending on the selected item from the combobox list. The code below is a short example. The method for creating/u

How to get the whole row of a JTable to save it into another table?

I am trying to validate that when the column step is equal to 2 the row is copied to another JTable. But the jtable_step2 I have not initialized correctly, that

Do I need synchronization if I reference objects from other thread to AWT thread?

Does SwingUtilities.invokeLater provides synchronization? Example: public class Threads { public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(new Ru