Category "android-jetpack-navigation"

ViewPager2 crash

I am using Advance Navigation Component with BottomNavigationView. In one tab I have ViewPager2. When I clicked on the tab for the first time, it worked fine. A

Android: no start destination defined via app:startDestination for x.x.x:id/nav_graph

In the nav_graph even though I have used, I get warning project level gradle: // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all

IllegalStateException on DataBindingUtil.setContentView: Restoring the Navigation back stack failed, current destination null

For some users, my app seems to crash regularly at or near app start. It's been an issue I've been trying to figure out for a while but I haven't had much succe

Use Dialog as navigation destination with jetpack compose

A dialog can have a rather complex ui, acting more like a floating screen rather than a typical AlertDialog. Therefore it can be desired to let the dialog have

Jetpack Compose navigate for result

I'm using the Jetpack Navigation library with the Compose version. I'm setting up navigation like it's shown here I want to be able to navigate from screen A to

Compose - NavHost recomposition multiple times

During navigation from Navhost, I found out that the composable screens are getting recomposition multiple times. Because of it, my ViewModel is calling API dat

Jetpack Compose + Hilt: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot create an instance of class ViewModel

I started trying jetpack Compose recently and used hilt & hilt-navigation-compose for my app. It works fine with the first ViewModel. However, when I try th

Navigation Component: IllegalStateException Fragment not associated with a fragment manager

I'm using the Navigation Component version 2.1.0-rc01 and I navigate back and forth between 3 screens using Navigation.findNavController(it).navigate(