Category "android-theme"

Get Android system accent color (Android 10 System color accent)

This question should be simple, but i didn't find an answer. I have an app with selectable accent, and i'm trying to add an option to use the android system acc

Activity doesn't inherit parent style

I am converting my app from using ActionBarSherlock to AppCompat. My activities that extend AppCompatActivity don't appear to be inheriting the parent style by

TextInputLayout Material Component Issue : The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant)

I am having a problem implementing a Material design with TextInputLayout, I know the solution is to make your activity theme inherits one of Material Component

How to change the outline color of OutlinedTextField from jetpack compose?

Here is how OutlinedTextField code looks like in jetpack-compose: OutlinedTextField( value = "", onValueChange = {}, label = {Text("Input")} ) The