Category "stm32"

Stm32CubeProgrammer not connecting (no error msg) using ST-LINK V2 dongle and Lora E5 mini board

I've tried countless settings in an attempt to program my stm32 board. The main tutorial I followed is I have connec

Code for increasing clock speed of STM32F401 not working

I was trying to increase the clock speed of STM32F401 to 84Mhz using PLL. I tried for log time. But the code is not working. Can anyone check what needs to be d

Why are periperal registers 16 bit only on 32 bit MCUs such as STM32 and GD32VF103?

On 32 bit microcontrollers such as the ST STM32F103 (ARM core) or the GigaDevices GD32VF103 (RISC-V core) there are many registers for dealing with peripherals.

Qemu STM32 Emulation

I run stm32 blinky example on windows using Qemu plugins with eclipse. ( I can see green led on and off a

c code to paint an embedded stack with a pattern say (0xABABABAB) just after main begins?

I am working on dynamic memory analysis using stack painting/foot print analysis method. dynamic-stack-depth-determination-using-footprint-analysis basically t

How to fix STM32CubeProgrammer No STM32 Target Found

Hello guys Any one here faced this problem before ? After I run my code into my stm32f446re I couldn't upload any code after my last code and give me this erro

Callback in STM32 isn't called

Trying to make simple PWM transmitter i faced with a problem. I have TIM2 with Channel2 (in PWM Generation mode) on board NUCLEO F042K6 and USART1 connected to

stm32f103 usb failed with "No open pipes!"

I am trying connect my stm32f103c8 board to PC with several examples from internet, but all of them face the same issue, they can not be installed successfully.

if the data is the same add it to the array only one time

I have predefined addresses (address1,address2 and address3) and i want to : If each address variables is equal to the first 6 variables of my data then i want

What is the difference within the compiler between debugging and running the code? (STM32)

somehow when i am running my code, it seems like one GPIO Port isn't being initialized, meanwhile if i am debugging, it is. I am initializing two sensors: struc

STM32 HAL Library RTC Alarm

I am having a problem about RTC Alarm configuration. First of all, I tried example code which is provided by Cube, and It works. But in my code, it doesn't work

STM32 HAL Library RTC Alarm

I am having a problem about RTC Alarm configuration. First of all, I tried example code which is provided by Cube, and It works. But in my code, it doesn't work

PLL Init function in STM32F429 to configure max frequency (180Mhz)

I want to configure PLL in STM32F429 to its max frequency (180Mhz) without using STMCube-generated configurations. I am using my own register definitions like t

STM32 I2C interrupt method requires a blocking while loop?

I have a Nucleo-F446RE, and I'm trying to get the I2C working with an IMU I have (LSM6DS33). I am using STM32CubeMX and checked out all the example code for my

Best way to read from a sensor that doesn't have interrupt pin and requires some time before the measurement is ready

I'm trying to interface a pressure sensor (MS5803-14BA) with my board (NUCLEO-STM32L073RZ). According to the datasheet (page 3), the pressure sensor requires s

HAL_SetDate sets the year to wrong value

I'm using STM32F030RCT6 with CubeMX. Device is a datalogger and RTC is the main thing that cannot fail. On Errata Sheet there is something about RTC Shadow Regi

STM32F407 Register Level Clock Configuration Issue

I am working on an STM32F407 Discovery Board. But I didn't solve my clock configuration problem. I want to 168 MHz working frequency and I get help from CubeMX